By-Laws adopted 1 August 1987
First Amendment adopted 26 June 1993
Second Amendment adopted 17 July 1999
To promote activities which help to provide optimum living conditions in the area and to discourage activities which threaten to affect the area adversely
To keep the members informed of current issues which might affect the Lake Combie area.
To establish committees to study the possible relationship of any proposed activity in light of its effect on the Lake Combie area.
To voice the consensus of opinion of the Lake Combie Association to pertinent governmental bodies.
To provide recommendations for ensuring maintenance of high safety standards on the lake to the appropriate government agencies
The dues amount shall be for the fiscal year starting January 1 of each year and may be different for Regular and Associate Members.
The Board of Directors will tentatively set the amounts for the coming fiscal year and propose that those amounts to the general membership for its approval at the annual general membership meeting.
Dues for continuing members will be due in full on January 1. Dues will be overdue 45 days after that date, and membership will cease at that time.
Payments by a member of less than the full dues amounts will be considered a contribution. Unless designated by the member, payments of more than the dues amount will first be applied to the full amount of dues owing and the balance will be considered a contribution. Any payment from a non member not requesting or not eligible for membership status will be considered a contribution.
The Board of Directors shall consist of seven members. The board shall select annually, from its members, a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Terms of office shall be for two years, with three directors being elected one year, and four the next. In addition to the stated duties of the officers, the board shall conduct all business of the association. Public statements on behalf of the association shall be made only by, or with the concurrence of, the majority of the board.
Duties of the Board, its Officers and Appointees, and the General Membership:
Board of Directors - Shall administer the affairs of the association, set policy and have authority to expend funds.
President - Shall preside at all meetings of the board and general membership. Subject to prior approval of the board, shall exercise supervision and direction in carrying out the policies and programs of the association. Shall be an ex-officio member of all association committees.
Vice President - Shall, under the direction of the president, and with approval of the board of directors, perform such duties as are assigned him/her by the president. In the absence of the president, shall act as the presiding officer at the board or general membership meetings.
Secretary - Shall be responsible for keeping a complete written record of all proceedings of the association. Shall cause a current list of members in good standing to be present at each general membership meeting and shall advise the president of the number of such members present and the number which shall constitute a majority or two-thirds vote.
Treasurer - Shall be responsible for all monies received and disbursed and for all records and journals associated with such finds. Shall present a summary financial report at each board and general membership meeting. All checks issued by the association shall be signed by the treasurer and one other authorized member of the board.
Accounting - The fiscal year of the association shall begin January 1 and end December 31.
Audits - The board shall appoint an auditor or audit committee to shall audit the books and financial records of the association within the 30-day period prior to the annual general membership meeting and present a written report to the membership at that meeting. A special audit shall be made by an auditor or the committee at any time that a change occurs in the office of the treasurer.
Nominations - In May or June of each year the board shall call for board-member volunteers from the Regular Membership and make recommendations for board membership to the board and general membership at or before the annual general membership meeting.
Elections - The board of directors shall be elected from the Regular membership at the annual general membership meeting of the association by Regular Members in good standing. Candidates receiving the highest number of votes (in descending order from the highest number of votes) shall be deemed elected until all vacancies have been filled. Voting shall be by open ballot unless secret ballot is requested by five or more Regular Members. A member may vote by absentee ballot providing the ballot is received by the secretary prior to the election. Any vacancy on the board shall be filled by appointment by the remaining board members until the next annual meeting.
Removal from Office - A member of the board may be removed from office at the annual general membership meeting or at a special membership meeting by a two-thirds vote of all regular members present and in good standing, provided that notice of the proposed removal, along with a statement by the board member in question if he/she desires, accompany the notice of the meeting and provided that the board member have the opportunity to speak at the meeting prior to the vote.
Meetings of the Board - Board meetings shall be held at the call of the president or at the request of any two members of the board or on written request of any ten members, in good standing, of the association. A reason for the meeting must be made at the time of the request.
Membership Meetings - The annual general membership meeting shall be held during the months of June or July. Special membership meetings shall be held at the call of the board, or by written request to the board of any ten members in good standing, for the purpose of conducting any business concerning or pertinent to the membership as a whole. All members in good standing shall be notified in writing or telephone of the place, time and purpose of the meeting.
Assignments - The president may, with the consent of the board, appoint Regular and Associate Members to carry out various tasks deemed beneficial to the Association. These assignments shall include, but not be limited to, treasury audit, newsletter, membership records maintenance and property records maintenance.
Amendments - The by-laws may be amended at the annual membership meeting or at a special or general meeting by a two-thirds vote of the regular members in good standing and voting in person or by absentee ballot, providing that notice of the proposed amendment accompanied notice of the meeting. Absentee ballots must be received by the secretary prior to the meeting.
Parliamentary Procedure - The meetings of the board of directors and general and special membership meetings shall be conducted according to instructions found in "Robert's Rules of Order".